Dead by Daylight Wiki

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Les Bloodpoints/FR (PS) sont l'une des deux monnaies dans Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo et ils jouent un role intégral en étant capable de débloquer de nouveaux Accessoires Unknown QuestionMark, Objets Unknown QuestionMark, Offrandes Unknown QuestionMark et Compétences Unknown QuestionMark à partir de la Toile Unknown QuestionMark.

Obtention[ | ]

Les Points de Sang sont obtenus pendant le jeu et sont utilisés pour débloquer des récompenses dans la Toile après le jeu. Votre performance déterminera le montant des Points de Sang que vous obtiendriez.

Les Points de Sang sont ajoutés à votre compte et après peuvent être utilisé pour progresser la Toile d'un personnage de votre choix. Les Points de Sang non dépensés sont plafonnés à 1 million PS.

Même si l'écran de pointage vous montre un cercle complet à 5000 PS, vous pouvez obtenir un maximum de 8000 PS dans chaque catégories. Cela signifie que vous pouvez obtenir un maximum de 32,000 Points de Sang chaque jeu. Le cercle représente le maximum de Points de Sang nécessaire pour avancer dans le Classement.

As Players' Ranks are not altered by playing the Tuer Vos Amis mode, they will only visually receive Bloodpoints from playing this mode, which cannot actually be spent and are not added to the Player profile once the game mode is exited.

Les Survivants[ | ]

Gagnent des points dans 4 catégories:

  • Survival - Rester en vie
  • Objectives - Réparer les générateurs et tenter de s'enfuir
  • Boldness - Pour les interactions avec le tueur
  • Altruism - Aider les autres survivants

Les Tueurs[ | ]

Gagnent des points dans 4 catégories:

  • Brutalité - Faire mal aux survivants et détruire des objets
  • Chasse - Trouver, pourchasser et attraper des survivants
  • Deviousness - Pour l'utilisation du pouvoir de votre tueur
  • Sacrifice - Accrocher des survivants pour le plaisir de l'Entity IconHelp entity

Bloodpoint Actions[ | ]

Below is a list of all Bloodpoint-awarding actions in Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo
Rewards marked with a - symbol have an unknown value.

Bloodpoints for Survivors[ | ]

DailyRitualIcon objectivesObjectives[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Coop Action 1 8000 Received after successfully repairing a Generator IconHelpLoading generators together with at least another Survivor.
The amount of Bloodpoints received will range dependent on the two or more players' contribution towards repairing from start to end.
Good Skill Check - 50 Obtained after performing an action involving an objective Skill Check IconHelp skillChecks, such as repairing a Generator.
This is obtained after hitting the non-critical zone.
Great Skill Check - 150 Obtained after performing an action involving an objective Skill Check, such as repairing a Generator.
This is obtained after hitting the critical zone.
Hex Skill Check - 150 Obtained after performing an action involving an objective Skill Check, such as repairing a Generator.
This is obtained after hitting the critical zone under the influence of Hex: Ruin Unknown QuestionMark.
Repairs 1 1250 Obtained after successfully repairing a Generator.
Points received will range dependent on the player's contribution towards repairing from start to end.
Map Scout - 150 Obtained when using a Map IconItems map and finding an object.
Chest Searched - 250 Obtained when searching through a Chest IconHelp chests.
Unlocking 1 1250 Obtained when unlocking the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates.
Hatch Escape - 2000 Obtained when escaping through the Hatch IconHelp hatch.
Hatch Open - 2000 Obtained when opening the Hatch IconHelp hatch with a Key IconItems key (Dull or Skeleton).

DailyRitualIcon survivalSurvival[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Killer Grasp Escape - 500 Obtained after wiggling your way out of the Killer's grasp.
Struggle 5 898 Obtained after being placed on a Hook IconHelpLoading hook.
Points received will increase the longer the player struggled on the hook before being sacrificed.
Self-Healing 1 300 Obtained after healing oneself with a Med-Kit IconItems firstAidKit or Self-Care IconPerks selfCare.
Survived - 5000 Obtained after having escaped through the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates or the Hatch IconHelp hatch.
Trap Escape - 500 Obtained after freeing oneself from a Bear Trap IconPowers trap.
Hook Escape - 1500 Obtained after freeing oneself from a Hook IconHelpLoading hook.
Distraction - 150 Obtained after igniting a Chinese Firecracker IconEventItem chineseFirecracker.

DailyRitualIcon altruismAltruism[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Assist 250 315 Obtained for being nearby another Survivor in danger or on the hook.
315 BPs are only obtained after the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates receive power.
Distraction - 250 Obtained after having helped another Survivor escape the Killer.
Can already be obtained by helping them lose a chase, not necessarily to escape from the map.
Heal 400 500 Obtained for healing another Survivor.
500 BPs are only obtained after the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates receive power.
Trap Rescue 1000 1250 Obtained for freeing another Survivor out of a Bear Trap IconPowers trap.
1250 BPs are only obtained after the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates receive power.
Killer Grasp Rescue - 1250 Obtained for freeing another Survivor from the Killer's grasp.
Good Skill Check - 50 Obtained after performing an action involving an Altruism Skill Check, such as healing. BPs for Self-Care IconPerks selfCare Skill Checks will also count towards Altruism, despite Self-Care BPs counting towards survival.
This is obtained after hitting the non-critical zone.
Great Skill Check - 150 Obtained after performing an action involving an Altruism Skill Check, such as healing. BPs for Self-Care IconPerks selfCare Skill Checks will also count towards Altruism, despite Self-Care BPs counting towards survival.
This is similar to the Good Skill Check, however it is obtained after hitting the critical zone.
Hook Rescue 1500 1875 Obtained after freeing another Survivor from the Hook IconHelpLoading hook.
1875 are obtained after the Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates receive power.
Reunited - 200 Received after being near another Survivor.
Can only be obtained up to 3 times, once per Survivor.
Protection - 200 Obtained when taking a hit from the Killer in order to shield another Survivor.

DailyRitualIcon boldnessBoldness[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Bold 1 250 Obtained for hiding near the Killer.
Points received will increase the longer a player lurks around the Killer, and will be given once the player has stopped hiding near the Killer.
Chased 1 8000 Obtained for being chased by the Killer.
Escaped - 250 Obtained after escaping the Killer during a chase.
Killer Stun - 1000 Obtained after stunning a Killer with a Pallet IconHelp pullDown.
Aveugler le tueur - 250 Obtenu pour avoir aveugler le tueur avec une Flashlight IconItems flashlight.
Killer Burn - 350 Obtained for blind stunning a cloaked Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith or blink-charging Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse with a Flashlight IconItems flashlight.
Hook Sabotage - 500 Obtained after breaking a Hook IconHelpLoading hook.
Trap Disarm - 300 Obtained after disarming a Bear Trap IconPowers trap.
Hag Trap Disarm - 400 Using a Flashlight IconItems flashlight on non-activated Phantasm Trap.
Trap Sabotage - 250 Obtained after breaking a Bear Trap IconPowers trap.
Cleansed 600 1000 Obtained after cleansing a Totem IconHelpLoading totem
If the shrine is burning (and is thus a Hex Totem) you will receive the maximum points.
Good Skill Check - 50 Obtained after performing an action involving a sabotage Skill Check IconHelp skillChecks, such as sabotaging a hook.

This is obtained after hitting the non-critical zone.

Great Skill Check - 150 Obtained after performing an action involving a sabotage Skill Check IconHelp skillChecks, such as sabotaging a hook.

This is obtained after hitting the critical zone.

Basement Time 1 8000 Obtained for time in the Basement IconHelp basement.

Bloodpoints for Killers[ | ]

DailyRitualIcon brutalityBrutality[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Catch - 600 Obtained after interrupting a Survivor mid-animation by grabbing them.
Hit - 300 Obtained after hitting a Survivor.
Destruction - 100 Obtained after breaking a Pallet IconHelp pullDown or damaging a Generator IconHelpLoading generators.
Quitter Bonus 625 2500 Obtained after a Survivor disconnected from the game. In order to get the maximum all Survivors have to disconnect.

DailyRitualIcon deviousnessDeviousness[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Bleeding 1 - Obtained after an injured/bleeding Survivor is healed. The amount of received Bloodpoints depends on the amount of time they were bleeding.
Death - 50 Obtained after a Survivors dies from staying in the Dying IconHelp dying state for too long.
Set Trap - 100 Obtained after setting a Bear Trap IconPowers trap as The Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper.
Trapped - 1000 Obtained after a Survivor walked into a Bear Trap IconPowers trap.
Surprise Attack - 550 Obtained when successfully landing the first attack on a Survivor shortly after uncloaking as The Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith, or landing an attack shortly after blinking on a repairing Survivor with The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse.
Stalker 1 - Obtained while stalking the Survivor as The Shape IconHelpLoading shape or as a cloaked Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith.
Chainsaw Sprint 1 - Obtained after stopping a Chainsaw Sprint as The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly or The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal.
Chainsaw Hit - 850 Obtained after hitting a Survivor with the Chainsaw as The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly or The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal.
Precise Blink - 150 Obtained by blinking very close to a Survivor as The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse.
Lethal Blink - 250 Obtained by landing a post-blink hit on a Survivor as The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse.
Evil Within - 500 Obtained with each Tier-increase of Evil Within as The Shape IconHelpLoading shape.
Set Trap - 25 Obtained after setting a Phantasm Trap IconPowers blackenedCatalyst as The Hag IconHelpLoading hag.
Trap Triggered - 200 Obtained after a Survivor triggered a Phantasm Trap IconPowers blackenedCatalyst.
Phantasm Attack - 550 Obtained when successfully landing the first attack on a Survivor shortly after teleporting as The Hag IconHelpLoading hag.
Shocked 150 300 Obtained when a Survivor gets hit with the Shock Therapy Attack as The Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor.
Drops to 150 Bloodpoints when Deviousness is almost full.
Attack Bonus - 250 Obtained when landing a hit on a Survivor shortly after they are hit with the Shock Therapy Attack as The Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor.
Precise Shot - 500 Obtained when landing a hit on a Survivor by throwing Hatchet as The Huntress IconHelpLoading huntress.
No One Escaped - 2500 Obtained when achieving a Merciless Victory, letting no Survivor escape.

DailyRitualIcon hunterHunter[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Chase 1 8000 Obtained after chasing a Survivor.
Survivor Found - 200 Obtained after finding a Survivor.
Catch - 600 Obtained after grabbing a Survivor hiding inside a Locker IconHelp lockers or jumping over an obstacle if they are injured.

DailyRitualIcon sacrificeSacrifice[ | ]

Name Minimum Maximum Description
Hooked - 500 Obtained after putting a Survivor on a Hook IconHelpLoading hook.
Hooked - 200 Obtained after beginning the summoning phase (1st Hook Stage).
Entity Summoned - 200 Obtained after beginning the struggle phase (2nd Hook Stage).
Sacrifice Completed - 200 Obtained after a Survivor is freed from a Hook or being sacrificed to the Entity IconHelp entity (3rd Hook Stage).
Kill - 1000 Obtained after killing a Survivor by your own hands.

Spending[ | ]

Points can be used to unlock items from a Character's Bloodweb. Because points are not unique to each character, a Player will be able to use points obtained from playing as a survivor on upgrading a Killer's Bloodweb, or vice-versa.

The price of a node in the Bloodweb is based on its position; Nodes around the centre cost 3000 BPs, Nodes in the middle 5000 BPs and Nodes around the outside 8000 BPs.

Gallery[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

  • Bloodpoints gained from "on-going" actions such as bleeding and repairs will show up after the action "completes". For example:
    • A bleeding survivor is healed or hooked --> the killer gets points for causing bleeding
    • Generator repair is finished / the Survivor leaves the generator --> the Survivor gets points for repair.
  • Perks that increase Bloodpoint earnings change the in-game value, but the Bloodpoint cap for that category remains the same
  • Offerings that increase Bloodpoint earnings only apply after the game ends; they do not change the in-game values
  • Offerings make it possible to technically earn more than the cap for a category
  • Before the introduction of Iridescent Shards in Patch 1.2.0, Bloodpoints were the only currency in the game.

Change Log[ | ]

  • Patch 1.0.2
    • Les tueurs recoivent maintenant des points de brutalitée quand les survivants perdent la connection( 625 points de brutalitée)
    • Les tueurs recoivent maintenant des points de sacrifice quand les survivants quittent la partie (1250 points de sacrifice)
    • Changement caché: Reunited bonus from +150 --> +200
    • Changement caché: Stunned Killer bonus from +800 --> +1000