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贝内迪克特·贝克 is an unseen Character in Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo, most commonly known for his journal entries which can be seen throughout the game and in the game manual.


It is speculated that Benedict Baker may become a killer in a future release. This is due to some of his entries displaying the loss of his own hope, which the Entity is stated to feed off of - Losing all hope is what it takes to become a Killer.有猜测认为贝内迪克特·贝克在后续发布版本当中可能会作为杀手出场。这是因为他日记中的部分条目展露出他失去了希望,那正是恶灵的食粮——成为杀手的条件便是竭尽全部的希望。

Background 背景[ | ]

In 1956, Baker began searching in a town called Weeks. A place in America with an unusual amount of missing persons reports; despite having 364 active reports, nobody had ever been discovered. Days later, Baker began to see Weeks for what it was - a ghost town full of abandoned buildings. After learning that the events in Weeks seemingly led back to The Macmillan Estate, the former heart of Weeks, Baker searched for police reports and complaints, but came up empty with no legal action reports. 1956年,贝克开始在一个叫做威克斯(Weeks)的小镇调查。该小镇位于美国,存在着不同寻常数量的失踪人口报告。虽然有364件仍然在调查中的案件,从未有人被找到过。几天后,贝克看清了威克斯的真实面目——一座满是废弃建筑的鬼镇。在发现发生在威克斯的一系列事件看起来是来自于麦克米兰庄园,威克斯的前中心之后,贝克开始寻找警方报告与投诉,但是一无所获,无一相关。

An unknown time later, Baker reports awaking in a "strange place," with no memory of how he arrived at the location - last recalling heading towards The Macmillan Estate on foot. Baker describes his visceral experience as having a "seemingly never ending fire" burning beside him, surrounded by woodlands. After this, Baker dubs his experiences to be 'post-Awakening'. After this 'post-Awakening', all of Baker's entries begin to read '1896' even though earlier in the journal he clearly stated that he began his journey in 1956.在不知多久之后,贝克声称在一个陌生处醒来,而毫无他如何来到这里的记忆——最后的记忆便是他步行前往麦克米兰庄园时。贝克将自己的亲身经历描述为被树林包围,身边有一团”好似永不熄灭的火“在燃烧。在此之后,贝克称他的经历为”醒后(post-Awakening)“。在”醒后“,贝克的所有日记条目都记录道”1896年“,即使在日记前文中明确记录到他于1956年开始了这段旅途。

Unaware of his physiological state of mind, Baker attempted to hike his way out of the woods, to no avail. Baker's attempts to escape the woods brought him closer to "a nameless terror" which stalks the darkness, a horrid shadow. Baker also recalls seeing the Entity, personifying it to "pluck those who fall into its path," trapping them in a grim repeat of life and death.不顾自己的心理健康状况,贝克试图徒步走出森林,但是没有成功。贝克对于逃出森林的尝试甚至让他离笼罩于黑暗中的”一种无名恐惧“,一层恐怖的阴尘更近了。贝克还声称见到了恶灵,将其拟人化描述为“将落入它的道路中的人夺出,”将他们困在生死的残忍重复中。

Discoveries: Benedict's Journal[ | ]

Quotes left Death is not death. In this place, life is fleeting. To whomever might find this lore, I can but only provide you with one advice: always move forward. This is what keeps me alive, and have so for a while. If I were to advise further, I would suggest you harvest every forsaken location for anything that might thwart the horrors that lurk within. And keep an eye on the gates. If they open, you must flee. I hope my scribbles have not been in vain. If you find this lore, make use of it and pass it on. If you find me, bury my body.


Quotes right
~ Benedict Baker's Journal, Nov. 1896


In his journal, Baker identifies:

Exit Gates
Exit gate

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+ 章節 01
S01 charSelect portrait 德怀特·费菲尔德 SurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait 梅格·托马斯 SurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait 克劳黛特·莫莱 SurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait 朴·杰克 SurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait 妮娅·卡尔森 SurvivorNea
章節 02 - 05 S06 charSelect portrait 劳丽·斯特罗德 SurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait 埃斯·维斯孔蒂 SurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait 威廉·比尔·奥弗贝克 SurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait 凤敏 SurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait 大卫·金 SurvivorDavid
章節 06 - 10 S11 charSelect portrait 昆汀·史密斯 SurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait 大卫·泰普 SurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait 凯特·登森 SurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait 亚当·弗朗西斯 SurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait 杰夫·约翰森 SurvivorJeff
章節 11 - 14 S16 charSelect portrait 簡·羅梅羅 SurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait 阿什利·威廉姆斯 SurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait 南茜·惠勒 SurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait 史蒂夫·哈林頓 SurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait 木村唯 SurvivorYui
章節 15 - 19 S21 charSelect portrait 薩麗娜·卡希爾 SurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait 謝麗爾·梅森 SurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait 菲利克斯·里奇特 SurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait 伊洛迪·拉科托 SurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait 李允珍 SurvivorYun-Jin
章節 20 - 23 S26 charSelect portrait 吉兒·瓦倫丁 SurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait 里昂·S·肯尼迪 SurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait 米凱拉·里德 SurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait 約拿·瓦斯克斯 SurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait 淺川陽一 SurvivorYoichi
章節 24 - 25 S31 charSelect portrait 海蒂·考爾 SurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait 艾達·王 SurvivorAda S33 charSelect portrait 蕾貝卡·錢伯斯 SurvivorRebecca S34 charSelect portrait 維托里奧·托斯卡諾 SurvivorVittorio S35 charSelect portrait 塔莉塔·利拉 SurvivorThalita
章節 27 - 29 S36 charSelect portrait 雷納托·利拉 SurvivorRenato S37 charSelect portrait 加布里埃爾·索瑪 SurvivorGabriel S38 charSelect portrait 尼古拉斯·凱奇 SurvivorNicolas S39 charSelect portrait 艾倫·雷普莉 SurvivorEllen
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+ 章節 01 - 02
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章節 07 - 11 K11 charSelect portrait 门徒 IconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait 小丑 IconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait 怨灵 IconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait 军团 IconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait 瘟疫 IconHelpLoading plague
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章節 27 - 29 K31 charSelect portrait 白骨商人 IconHelpLoading skullMerchant K32 charSelect portrait 奇點 IconHelpLoading singularity K33 charSelect portrait 異形 IconHelpLoading xenomorph
K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait 顫齒 S27 Chris charSelect portrait 克里斯·雷德菲爾 S26 Claire charSelect portrait 克蕾兒·雷德菲爾 S22 Cybil charSelect portrait 西碧兒·伯納特 S22 James charSelect portrait 詹姆士‧桑德蘭 S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait 喬納森·拜爾斯
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S22 Alessa charSelect portrait 阿萊莎·吉雷斯比 Birch Cosmetic Icon 樺木女巫
阿莱克斯 贝内迪克特·贝克 恶灵 IconHelp entity 觀察者 IconHelp archivesGeneral 威戈 (还有更多...)
Actor Sidney Prescott Smasher Teacher