Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left As I embarked on yet another day of struggle, I ended up in a new arena. A place that resembles nothing I’ve ever seen before. Houses with a structural design that’s foreign to me. Contraptions and architecture that are reminiscent of my hometown, but in another form. A disturbing and puzzling form. I try to avoid it all together. Quotes right
~ Unknown (Potentially Benedict Baker)
RealmKeyArt 05
美国 伊利诺伊州
Patch 1.2.1

哈登菲尔德黎明杀机 IconHelp DBDlogo目前 20幻境里的其中之一

它是隨著 2016年 10月 25日 发布的 章节2:万圣节® 加入到遊戏中

概述[ | ]

这个幻境以市郊区为主题,但没有主色调。目前有 1 张地图正在使用:

背景故事[ | ]


Haddonfield is a calm little town, without much going on. Or at least it was. If you were to ask anyone in the town, at the school or in a bar, if there’s something off with Haddonfield, they’d decline. To accept that this was the birthplace of one of the purest form of evil is hard. People living here have always felt safe and protected. There were no boogeymen or other shady characters in the night. No lurking, no skulking. People slept perfectly fine for decades knowing this for a fact. So when Halloween came about, the town’s folks were reluctant to accept that Haddonfield is now for ever known as an evil place. Gossip and made-up stories flooded the town.

Nobody really knows what happened, or if it’s safe nowadays. Some moved away. Others visited as morbid tourists. During the day, a common visitor wouldn’t suspect a thing. But as the sun sets and night comes, an eerie quietness devours the town. People are afraid. And as you visit Haddonfield, you too will get afraid. Not only because it sits upon a dark history, but also because something is off. This isn’t a real place, but instead a warped version of a reality that is no more. An Entity version if you’d like.

地图[ | ]

IconMap Sub Street

祭品[ | ]

斯特罗德宅邸钥匙 是 一個稀少祭品 IconHelp offerings

圖示 描述 花費
FulliconFavors strodeRealtyKey 巨幅增加燃烧这件祭品后被送往哈登菲尔德的几率。


3,250 BPs

杂项[ | ]

  • 在游戏文件中,哈登菲尔德幻境被称为 Suburbs(翻译为市郊区
  • 哈登菲尔德 坐落于 美国 伊利诺伊州
    • This is both confirmed by the movies and the license plates of the parked cars on the Map.

迈克米伦庄园 废旧车库 寒风农场 克洛普瑞恩疯人院 哈登菲尔德 黑水沼泽
煤矿废塔 阿扎罗夫长眠处 断骨牛舍 精神病房 兰普金街 苍白玫瑰
哀嚎仓库 血屋 腐败屠宰场 坎贝尔神父的教堂 阴森棚屋
悲惨钢铁厂 废弃加油站 腐臭之地
掩护林 废旧车库后院 汤姆森宅邸
窒息矿井 悲惨商店 痛苦溪流
莱理疗养中心 红树林 春木镇 吉迪恩肉制品加工厂 山岡家族地产 奥蒙德
疗程教室 母亲的住所 巴德姆幼儿园 游戏 家宅 奥蒙德山度假村
霍金斯國家實驗室 格伦维尔墓地 寂静岭 浣熊市 烏鴉巢穴 凋零島
地下设施 死狗酒馆 米德维奇小学 浣熊市警察局東邊 烏鴉巢穴 極樂園
篝火 The Dream World The Ethereal Plane The Spirit World The Void
地下室 杀手小屋