Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left The Gideon Meat Plant is no longer a place of death designed for animals. Its focus has shifted towards the human race. You can still sense a scent of blood mixed with rust and fear. Thousands upon thousands of animals have met their end at this place, but those humans who enter the premises are not supposed to die. They are meant to survive and learn. But the majority of those who participate will fail. Quotes right
~ Unknown (Potentially Benedict Baker)
Quotes left The lair of the twisted visionary Jigsaw, hellbent on concluding his life's work.Each macabre trap tells a story: a cautionary tale of life wasted and perspective gained. Quotes right
"吉迪恩肉聯廠 (CN) / 吉迪恩肉品加工廠 (TW)"
RealmKeyArt 10
Gideon Meat Plant
美國 紐約州 布魯克林
Patch 1.9.0

吉迪恩肉聯廠(為中國簡體版。台灣繁體版為 吉迪恩肉品加工廠)是 黎明殺機 IconHelp DBDlogo目前 20幻境里的其中之一。此幻境曾經被稱為 吉迪恩肉製品加工廠

它是隨著 2018年 1月 23日 發布的 章節7:電鋸驚魂™ 加入到遊戲中

概述[ | ]

這個幻境以工廠為主題和以灰白色為主色調。目前有 1 張地圖正在使用:

背景故事[ | ]


Gideon Meatpacking Plant had long lain derelict before its original designer, John Kramer, moved back in, transforming it into the workshop where he would devise his many games, and the location where those games would play out. Surveillance cameras now cover every angle of the building, reporting the progress of test subjects to a bank of monitors: a grainy testament of life and death. In the workshop, hundreds of carefully-rendered plans hang from every wall. Half-completed machinery litters the worktops, next to the tools that helped create them. Mannequins are everywhere, their blank eyes staring impassively at their dismembered brethren, strapped into test rigs or already destroyed by successful trials. In many ways, the plant is unchanged: it still rings to the sound of buzz saws and sliced flesh; the drains still clog with congealed blood, fat and hair. The building’s occupants have always been dead meat, but now they have a chance at transformation; a chance to emerge back into the world, reborn as something better. And, if they fail? There’s always the drain.

地圖[ | ]

IconMap Fin TheGame
TheGameOutline UpperFloor
TheGameOutline LowerFloor

祭品[ | ]

拼圖塊 是 一個稀少祭品 IconHelp offerings

圖示 描述 花費
FulliconFavors jigsawPiece 巨幅增加被送往吉迪恩肉製品加工廠的機率。


3,250 BPs

冷知識[ | ]

  • 在遊戲文件中,吉迪恩肉製品加工廠幻境被稱為 Finland (翻譯為芬蘭
  • In the "Bathroom" section of the Map, a heart is drawn on a toilet. Although the Bathroom in The Game does not exactly replicate the one from the films, this small detail is precise and accurate.
  • In the "Bathroom" section, there is also a toilet tank lid surrounded by blood. This likely directly alludes to Adam from the first film, who kills Zepp in the bathroom by beating him to death with a toilet tank lid, as well as Eric Matthews, a detective, who is tested in both the second and third SAW films. After being shackled in the bathroom by Amanda Young, Eric takes the toilet lid and smashes his foot in, just enough to slip the shackle off and escape.
  • 吉迪恩肉聯廠坐落於美國 紐約州 布魯克林 11235 Blake Drive

邁克米倫莊園 廢舊車庫 寒風農場 克洛普瑞恩瘋人院 哈登菲爾德 黑水沼澤
煤礦廢塔 阿扎羅夫長眠處 斷骨牛舍 精神病房 蘭普金街 蒼白玫瑰
哀嚎倉庫 血屋 腐敗屠宰場 坎貝爾神父的教堂 陰森棚屋
悲慘鋼鐵廠 廢棄加油站 腐臭之地
掩護林 廢舊車庫後院 湯姆森宅邸
窒息礦井 悲慘商店 痛苦溪流
萊理療養中心 紅樹林 春木鎮 吉迪恩肉製品加工廠 山岡家族地產 奧蒙德
療程教室 母親的住所 巴德姆幼兒園 遊戲 家宅 奧蒙德山度假村
霍金斯國家實驗室 格倫維爾墓地 寂靜嶺 浣熊市 烏鴉巢穴 凋零島
地下設施 死狗酒館 米德維奇小學 浣熊市警察局東邊 烏鴉巢穴 極樂園
篝火 The Dream World The Ethereal Plane The Spirit World The Void
地下室 殺手小屋