Dead by Daylight Wiki

不祥预感是一個逃生者 IconHelpLoading survivor通用的技能 IconHelp perks

圖示 I II III 描述
12 米
60 秒
24 米
45 秒
36 米
30 秒
你拥有感知危险的毋庸置疑的能力。当杀手出现在你的45度视角内并在你的12/24/36 米范围内时,你会听到一声警示的声音。每次启动 不祥预感 需要60/45/30 秒的恢复时间。即使杀手使用隐身技能,你也照样可以通过 不祥预感 感知他的存在。


4,000IconHelp bloodpoints 5,000IconHelp bloodpoints 6,000IconHelp bloodpoints

Trivia[ | ]

  • The Players receives an auditory warning when the camera is pointed in the direction of the Killer, independent from the Character's orientation.
  • 不祥预感 is trumped by The Shape IconHelpLoading shape when he remains in Evil Within I.
    • The Perk doesn't work on him until he reaches Evil Within II.

Movies[ | ]
