Dead by Daylight Wiki

最后的生还者是一個逃生者 IconHelpLoading survivor可傳授的技能 IconHelp perks

圖示 I II III 描述
40 %
40 %
40 %
45 %
60 %
75 %
50 %
75 %
100 %
随着你的伙伴们一个接一个地被杀,你的逃生几率莫名其妙地增加了。被杀或被牺牲的伙伴将削弱杀手对你个人的气场 IconHelp auras解读能力。
  • 1个被杀或被牺牲者:降低杀手的气场解读范围40/45/50 %。
  • 2个被杀或被牺牲者:降低杀手的气场解读范围40/60/75 %。
  • 3个被杀或被牺牲者:降低杀手的气场解读范围40/75/100 %。


4,000IconHelp bloodpoints 5,000IconHelp bloodpoints 6,000IconHelp bloodpoints

Tactics[ | ]

For more detailed information about Perks IconHelp perks and Add-ons IconHelp addons affecting Aura reading, refer to Auras IconHelp auras.
  • Can be used with Object of Obsession Unknown QuestionMark so that you can see the Killer, but they potentially can't see you.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Triggers the Obsession IconHelp obsession Mechanic.
    • If You're the only Survivor with an Obsession Perk, then become the Obsession.
    • If multiple Survivors have an Obsession Perk, then the Obsession will be chosen randomly among the Perk holders.
    • Equip multiple Obsession Perks to prioritize yourself over other Obsession Perk holders.
  • Even though Sole Survivor triggers the Obsession Mechanic, the Obsession will have no impact on the trial unless another Obsession Perk is used.