Dead by Daylight Wiki
Dbd-journal-chuckles Quotes left 这里有一个巨大的人形怪物,带着残忍的狞笑。他在我背后潜行,跟踪着我的每一步。就像一个猎人一样,他追踪我们,在树林中布下致命的陷阱。极端的警觉性和轻盈的脚步对避开那些噬咬鲜血的捕兽夹或者那位“悲惨的笑面杀手”来说非常重要。然而,我还是多次踏入了这些陷阱。我一无所有,只剩下对那些磨钝了的夹子划过我的骨头,以及沉重而故意的脚步的恐惧,它们总是昭示着那位带着讽刺笑容的杀手的降临。由于陷阱杀手和他的陷阱,“抬头看”和“低头看”早已成为一场持续多年的心理斗争。 Quotes right
~ 贝内迪克特·贝克的日记,1896年11月 on 陷阱杀手
陷阱杀手 (TW) / 设陷者 (CN)
K01 charSelect portrait
115% | 4.6 米/秒
32 米
Filip Ivanovic

陷阱杀手(繁体名称;简体名称为设陷者),本名埃文·迈克米伦,是 黎明杀机 IconHelp DBDlogo中的 34杀手 IconHelpLoading killer之一

他是 5 位初始杀手之一

概述[ | ]


他的专属技能包括 恐慌降临 IconPerks unnervingPresence所向无敌 IconPerks brutalStrength欣喜若狂 IconPerks agitation,能使其在追杀逃生者的过程中更加高效


背景故事[ | ]

TR charPreview

更多的故事在古書 I — 觉醒:鲜血、黄铜和砂砾


完全失去理智後的阿爾奇·邁克米倫讓埃文成了史上最重大屠殺案的實施者。有消息傳出埃文把100多人騙進了黑暗的礦洞,引爆了炸藥,將他們的靈魂永遠塵封在了地下。 邁克米倫莊園的故事講述的是一對父子因為權力和金錢而誤入歧途的故事。具體有多少受害者死在他們手下是未知的。沒有紀錄記載埃文·邁克米倫是怎樣演變成這樣的。而他的父親被發現橫死在自家倉庫的地下室裡,但這就是另一個謎題了。

装备配置[ | ]

陷阱杀手的技能[ | ]

陷阱杀手3 个专属的 技能 IconHelp perks



  • 處於你的恐懼範圍內的逃生者
    • 在修理、治療或破壞時觸發技能檢驗的機率提高10%。
    • 觸發的技能檢驗 IconHelp skillChecks的成功區域縮小40/50/60 %。








转生[ | ]

转生陷阱杀手会自动将他的可分享技能 等级 I 添加到所有逃生者的技能库中,並解锁其他逃生者可在 血网 IconHelp bloodweb升级的能力
再转生两次陷阱杀手将会自动把 等级 II等级 III 添加到所有逃生者的技能库里。

武器:砍肉刀[ | ]

Trapper Weapon01


  • 当他击中逃生者后,他将在胳膊上擦拭血跡

力量:捕兽夹[ | ]

FulliconPowers trap


長按力量鍵 即可在你面前的有效位置設置一個捕獸夾。設置好的捕獸夾能使踩到的玩家喪失行動能力。健康的逃生者踩到設置好的捕獸夾時會受傷,但可以試圖從捕獸夾中逃脫。點擊互動鍵 可扛起附近因踩到捕獸夾而無法行動的逃生者。
站在環境中的一處未設置的捕獸夾附近長按力量鍵 可將其原地重置。
站在環境中的一處捕獸夾附近點擊互動鍵 可將其收集。默認情況下,你一次最多只能攜帶1個捕獸夾

Power Trivia[ | ]

Movement Speeds:

Main Article
  • Walking: 4.6 m/s

Bear Traps:

  • Setting time: 2.5 seconds
    • The animation is split into three phases, with only the second phase being affected by Add-ons:
      • Crouching down: 0.5 seconds
      • Setting: 1.5 seconds
      • Standing up: 0.5 seconds
  • Disarm time: 3.5 seconds
  • Escape Attempt time: 1.8 seconds
  • Rescue time: 1.5 seconds
  • Escape Attempt chance: 16.67 %
    • This is per attempt, but capped at a maximum of 6 attempts, after which the action will always succeed.
  • Setting buffer: 1.5 metres
    • This refers to the minimum distance in-between two Bear Traps
  • Self-Catch Grace period: 3 seconds
    • This prevents The Trapper from getting caught in his own Bear Trap right after setting one.
  • Trap Pick-Up time: 1 second

捕兽夹 can be darkened by using the 焦油瓶 FulliconAddon tarBottle Add-on, which makes them more difficult to spot for Survivors and more viable to place them in open spaces with few grass patches.

原版 洋苏木灰染料 FulliconAddon logwoodDye 焦油瓶 FulliconAddon tarBottle

捕兽夹的附加品[ | ]

圖示 名稱 稀有度 描述
FulliconAddon trapperSack
  • 進入遊戲時攜帶1個額外的捕獸夾。
  • 增加1個捕獸夾攜帶上限。
FulliconAddon trapperGloves
  • 小幅增加捕獸夾的設置速度。
FulliconAddon paddedJaws
  • 捕獸夾不會對逃生者造成傷害。
  • 用捕獸夾抓住逃生者獲得的分數提高100 %
FulliconAddon strongCoilSpring
  • 小幅增加解除捕獸夾所需時間。
FulliconAddon trapperBag
  • 進入遊戲時攜帶1個額外的捕獸夾。
  • 增加2個捕獸夾攜帶上限。
FulliconAddon serratedJaws
  • 被捕獸夾傷害的逃生者直到被治好前都會受到出血狀態影響。


FulliconAddon logwoodDye
  • 使捕獸夾的顏色中幅變暗
FulliconAddon trapSetters
  • 中幅增加捕獸夾的設置速度。
FulliconAddon 4-coilSpringKit
  • 中幅增加解除捕獸夾所需時間。
FulliconAddon waxBrick
  • 中幅降低 掙脫捕獸夾的成功率。
FulliconAddon rustedJaws
  • 被捕獸夾傷害的逃生者 中幅受到重傷狀態 IconStatusEffects mangled影響。
FulliconAddon tarBottle
  • 使捕獸夾大幅變暗
FulliconAddon settingTools
  • 大幅增加捕獸夾的設置速度。
  • 中幅增加解救和掙脫捕獸夾的所需時間。
FulliconAddon secondaryCoil
  • 大幅增加解除捕獸夾所需時間。
FulliconAddon stitchedBag
  • 進入遊戲攜帶2個額外的捕獸夾。
  • 增加2個捕獸夾攜帶上限。
FulliconAddon fasteningTools
  • 巨幅增加捕獸夾設置速度。
  • 大幅增加解救和掙脫捕獸夾所需時間。
  • 中幅減少掙脫捕獸夾的成功率。
FulliconAddon oilyCoil
  • 巨幅增加解除捕獸夾所需時間。
FulliconAddon honingStone
  • 自行掙脫捕獸夾的逃生者會直接進入瀕死狀態 IconHelp dying
FulliconAddon bloodyCoil
  • 當捕獸夾被一名健康的逃生者破壞或觸發,血腥彈簧圈 會發揮作用,使該名逃生者進入受傷狀態
  • 小幅增加解除捕獸夾所需時間。
FulliconAddon iridescentStone
  • 每隔30秒,會有一個未被設置的捕獸夾自動原地設置。

成就[ | ]



图标 名称 描述
Ach adeptTrapper
超能陷阱杀手 在公共比赛中扮演陷阱杀手 IconHelpLoading trapper,在只使用他的3个可传授技能的情况下获得一次无情胜利:恐慌降临 IconPerks unnervingPresence所向无敌 IconPerks brutalStrength欣喜若狂 IconPerks agitation
Ach crippleThemAll
赶尽杀绝 在公共比赛中扮演陷阱杀手 IconHelpLoading trapper,捕兽夹逮住逃生者 IconHelpLoading survivor累计100 / 10次。

自定义外观选项[ | ]

玩家們可以从套装中挑选部件来自定他们的角色。血衣会在陷阱杀手每次转生达到 4、5、6 转后獲获得 1 个,共 3 个。


预设[ | ]

图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 额外笔记
S01 Head01 埃文 CategoryIcon masks 普通 A twisted, soulless mask hides the bearer's face. What became of the man behind the mask?
S01 Body01 橡胶衣和钩子 CategoryIcon body 普通 The hooks dig deep into the flesh, the pain giving way to pure rage.
S01 Weapon01 砍肉刀 CategoryIcon weapons 普通 一把残暴的砍肉刀由陷阱杀手使用矿物金属亲手打制而成
TR Machete01 Addon01 苦痛枷锁 CategoryIcon weapons 普通 Ritualistic welds that tear and rip the flesh. 预设的砍肉刀的替代自定义

转生[ | ]

图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 额外笔记
S01 Head01 P01 血腥埃文 CategoryIcon head 稀有 When the frenzy is on, it is hard to contain the blood of his victims. 转生等级 VI 奖励
S01 Body01 P01 血腥橡胶衣和钩子 CategoryIcon body 稀有 His rubber apron, once stained with the blood of animals, now runs wet with the blood of his victims. 转生等级 V 奖励
S01 Weapon01 P01 血腥砍肉刀 CategoryIcon weapons 稀有 When the moon rises and The Trapper begins his hunt, his blade dribbles with the blood of anticipation. 转生等级 IV 奖励
技能护生符[ | ]
转生等级 VII 奖励 转生等级 VIII 奖励 转生等级 IX 奖励
K01 PCharm001 K01 PCharm002 K01 PCharm003

特殊[ | ]

图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 活动
TR W02 标志性大砍刀 CategoryIcon weapons 普通 A curved blade with a distinctive bulge that adds weight to the fore-blade providing additional chopping power. An almost imperceptible whisper echoes in the wielder's mind: "anoyk yeqkany'ye hvay'k l'gnoo eydokl'x : sekall'o ammk'ix" 一周年
TR Head03 01 Iron Chuckles CategoryIcon masks 普通 A mask of iron, shaped into an horrible twisted grin. 一周年
TR Head01 Halloween 邪恶的凝视穿透了颤栗的夜晚 CategoryIcon masks 精良 Something wicked pierces the shadows of this frightful night.

"Have a fabulous Halloween 2016!" -The Dead by Daylight Team

2016 万圣节活动
TR Head01 WinterEvent2017 Frosty Eyes CategoryIcon masks 精良 Heart chilling eyes of the cold blooded.

"Have a Wonderful Winter 2017-2018!" - The Dead by Daylight Team

冬至 2017
TR Mask DG 01 Woodsman Hunter CategoryIcon masks 精良 Become a creature of myth: strong, unstoppable, dogged in the pursuit of your prey. DEATHGARDEN Promotion
TR Head01 CVA 无与伦比的陷阱杀手面具 CategoryIcon masks 非常稀有 A mask to celebrate the Canadian video game award for 'Best New Character'. Canadian video game award promotion
TR Mask007 Ornate Mask CategoryIcon masks 非常稀有 An intricate metal-work mask forged for a special occasion. The Trapper celebrates his coronation as heir to the wealthy MacMillan Estate. The Game Awards promotion
TR W017 Crunching Blade CategoryIcon weapons 非常稀有 A weapon made from unfamiliar scrap that inflicts severe flesh injuries. Owning Meet Your Maker and Dead by Daylight in same platform.
TR Head03 咯咯笑 CategoryIcon masks 超级稀有 A mask of flesh and bones with a horrible twisted grin. Originally PAX Code Giveaway

活动[ | ]

图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 收藏 活动
TR Head01 4A Crown of the Entity CategoryIcon masks 活动 A crown emanating a festive and ominous aura created by the Entity's biggest fan. Birthday Crown 四周年
Crown 5A 5th Anniversary Crown CategoryIcon head 活动 A crown crafted for a very special anniversary.

"Thank you for supporting & inspiring us along the years!" - The Dead by Daylight Team

五周年 五周年
TRW03 03 Golden Stinger CategoryIcon weapons 活动 A metal blade welded with gold to create a striped pattern of pain. 潜行斑纹
TR Mask014 Trapper's Mask CategoryIcon masks 活动 A mask they found themselves wearing at the masquerade ball. 扭曲假面舞会 扭曲假面舞会
TR W015 Rock Candy Cleaver CategoryIcon weapons 活动 This blade will break your teeth, one way or another. Tricks and Treats 黎明鬼祟

DLC[ | ]

图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 DLC
TR Head04 铁人 CategoryIcon masks 精良 Thick iron plating strapped and bolted to form Evan's grim self-representation. 血腥麻袋
TR Head05 罗杰 CategoryIcon masks 精良 An iron mask masterfully fashioned and painted to resemble a deer. 血腥麻袋

独家[ | ]

图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 活动
TR Mask011 Split Screen CategoryIcon masks 非常稀有 Pieces of a mask roughly stitched together so the hunt can continue. Nintendo Switch 独家版
TR Body011 Smash Boy CategoryIcon body 非常稀有 Working at the mine left little time for games, but he managed to play a few of his own. Nintendo Switch 独家版
TR W011 Switched Cleaver CategoryIcon weapons 非常稀有 A synthetic frame molded for a controlled and powerful slash. Nintendo Switch 独家版
TR Machete01 LP01 灼伤的陷阱杀手 I CategoryIcon weapons 非常稀有 The touch of the Entity leaves burning scars and blisters of light. Is it a gift or a curse? 以前的转生奖励
TR Body01 LP01 灼伤的陷阱杀手 II CategoryIcon body 非常稀有 The touch of the Entity leaves burning scars and blisters of light. Is it a gift or a curse? 以前的转生奖励
TR Head01 LP01 灼伤的陷阱杀手 III CategoryIcon masks 非常稀有 The touch of the Entity leaves burning scars and blisters of light. Is it a gift or a curse? 以前的转生奖励
Trapper Head H20 Mask of Delirium CategoryIcon masks 文物 A unique face for the Trapper, exclusively for H2O Delirious. H2O Delirious 独家版

IconHelp archivesGeneral 藏书库[ | ]

图标 部位 名称 收藏 古书 花费
TR outfit 013 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Beast of Nature Forest Gloom 古书第七册 - 遗弃 675
IconHelp auricCells
The union boys moved their meetings deep into the forest, but Evan was prepared to track his prey. 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 古书 花费
TR outfit 01 03 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Deep Frostbite Winter Chill 古书第六册 - 分歧 750
IconHelp auricCells
The harsh winter froze his hands but failed to cool his lust for blood.
图标 部位 名称 收藏 古书 花费
TR outfit 01 04 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Hack-o-Lantern Halloween 2021 古书第九册 - 渐强 675
IconHelp auricCells
A fun way to hack up your victims on Halloween. They’ll surely appreciate the effort.

图标 部位 名称 收藏 古书 花费
TR outfit 008 01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Heatwave Night Owl Collection 古书第15册 - 苍穹 1,080
IconHelp auricCells
He waited for his prey to spring his trap in the cool evening.
图标 部位 名称 收藏 古书 花费
TR outfit 09 03 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Deathmatch Wrestler Tricks And Treats 古书第13册 - 恶意 1,080
IconHelp auricCells
As a child, he remembered seeing a scary fighter in a newspaper ad. When he woke up in a trial, he bore in this remnant from a lost realm.
图标 部位 名称 收藏 古书 花费
TR outfit 09 02 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Circus Brawns Circus Strongman 古书第四册 - 信念 1,080
IconHelp auricCells
Step up and see the incredible feats performed by this savage beast! But don't get too close! He bites! 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 古书 花费
TR outfit 009 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Marrow Miner Good Son 古书第一册 - 觉醒 1,080
IconHelp auricCells
While exploring the mine's underground he uncovered his true nature. Like father, like son. 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 古书 花费
TR W01 02 CategoryIcon weapons Pain Flail (Copper) 古书第二册 - 推想 50
IconHelp auricCells
Ritualistic welds that tear and rip the flesh. 900
IconHelp iridescentShards

IconHelp store 商城[ | ]

图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 006 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
Trench Digger Grave Swampman 2018年
9月 18日
IconHelp auricCells
Maintain the flooding and keep your graveyard submerged in wetland water. 3,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 005 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
Levee Builder Grave Swampman 2018年
9月 18日
IconHelp auricCells
Maintain the flooding and keep your graveyard submerged in wetland water. 3,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 004 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Scarred Corruption Ironworks 2018年
8月 8日
IconHelp auricCells
An outfit made specifically for heavy-duty manual labor and murder. 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 003 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Sinner's Slaughter Ironworks 2018年
8月 8日
IconHelp auricCells
Harvest the souls of the unworthy. 16,200
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 001 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Blast Furnace Ironworks 2018年
6月 12日
IconHelp auricCells
Time to dance! 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 008 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Rusty Trucker Roadrage 2018年
9月 26日
IconHelp auricCells
The road to hell is paved with bear traps and good intentions. 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 007 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Bold Tailgater Roadrage 2018年
9月 26日
IconHelp auricCells
The road to hell is paved with bear traps and good intentions. 14,850
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 009 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Racing Biker Roadrage 2018年
9月 26日
IconHelp auricCells
The road to hell is paved with bear traps and good intentions. 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
TR outfit 016 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Hit The Ice Deadly Games Collection 2023年
2月 8日
IconHelp auricCells
He always wanted to play in the park with the other kids but never had the chance. 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
TR outfit 011 01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Delinquent Fun Times 2020年
1月 15日
IconHelp auricCells
As a teen he would venture underground and forge his way through his father's mines to set make-shift traps for unsuspecting employees. 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 008 01 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
MacMillan Miner Boondocks Bounty 2019年
4月 24日
IconHelp auricCells
Treasure lies deep within the mountain, for those brave enough to venture into the darkness. 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
TR outfit 010 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Seaside Psycho Waterfront Massacre 2019年
7月 31日
IconHelp auricCells
The real reason you'll never go in the water again. 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
Chuckles outfit 010 CategoryIcon masks
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
King of the Hooks Hallowed Blight 2019年
10月 9日
IconHelp auricCells
A cruel specimen injected with metalloids congealed at high temperatures. 21,600
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
TR Body01 CV03 CategoryIcon body Flesh and Iron (Fierce) Trapper Aberrations 50
IconHelp auricCells
The hooks dig deep into the flesh. The rage digs deeper. 900
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
TR Body01 CV02 CategoryIcon body Flesh and Iron (Hollow) Trapper Aberrations 50
IconHelp auricCells
The hooks dig deep into the flesh. The rage digs deeper. 900
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
TR Body01 CV05 CategoryIcon body Flesh and Iron (Imposing) Trapper Aberrations 675
IconHelp auricCells
The hooks dig deep into the flesh. The rage digs deeper. 13,500
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
TR Body01 CV01 CategoryIcon body Flesh and Iron (Relentless) Trapper Aberrations 50
IconHelp auricCells
The hooks dig deep into the flesh. The rage digs deeper. 900
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
TR Body01 CV04 CategoryIcon body Flesh and Iron (Unyielding) Trapper Aberrations 50
IconHelp auricCells
The hooks dig deep into the flesh. The rage digs deeper. 900
IconHelp iridescentShards
图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费
TR W019 CategoryIcon weapons Industrial Club Mech Collection 400
IconHelp auricCells
A heavy apparatus that could crush skulls in a single blow.

Alternate Character Models[ | ]

陷阱杀手 has 1 alternate Character model available in the in-game Store:

  • The Krampus

DLC[ | ]


与陷阱杀手相关的 DLC 有 3 个:

可购买的 DLC[ | ]

不可购买的 DLC[ | ]

  • Deathgarden Mask (only available to Players who also owned Deathgarden)
  • YouTube主/主播专属(H2O Delirious专属)

更新日志[ | ]

Patch 1.0.4[ | ]

  • 削弱: removed the ability to place Bear Traps too close to or even on top of one another.

Patch 1.1.2[ | ]

  • 削弱: added a Bear Trap immunity period after escaping a Bear Trap or being dropped by The Trapper.
    • This was done to prevent farming Trap Catches by dropping Survivors into Bear Traps.

PTB Nov 2016[ | ]

  • 削弱:reduced the Disarm time from 5 秒 to 3

Patch 1.2.1e[ | ]

  • 削弱: increased the minimum distance between Bear Traps from 0.6 米 to 1.5

Patch 1.3.0[ | ]

  • 体验质量: adjusted the Bear Trap outline to align with its actual placement in the environment.

Patch 1.4.0[ | ]

  • 削弱: remove the ability to place Bear Traps on top of the Hatch.
  • 削弱: Survivors are now temporarily immune to Bear Traps when self-unhooking.

Patch 1.5.0[ | ]

  • 削弱: removed the ability to set Bear Traps right below Hooks.
  • 增强: increased Bear Trap Sabotage time from 8 秒 to 16
  • 增强: reduced Bear Trap Setting phases 1 and 3 from 2 秒 each to 1 秒 each.

补丁 2.1.0[ | ]

  • 增强: reduced Bear Trap Setting phases 1 and 3 from 1 秒 each to 0.5 秒 each.
  • 增强: reduced Bear Trap Setting phase 2 from 3 秒 to 1.5
  • 增强: increased the Bear Trap Disarm time from 1.5 秒 to 2.5
  • 体验质量: allows for the Dye Add-ons to stack.
  • 体验质量: sabotaged Bear Traps will respawn after 180 秒 and can therefore no longer be permanently broken.

补丁 2.2.0[ | ]

  • 削弱: reintroduced "Trap Buffering", allowing Survivors to pass over a Bear Trap that is being disarmed by another Survivor without getting caught in it.
  • 增强: further increased the Bear Trap Disarm time from 2.5 秒 to 3.5

补丁 3.4.2[ | ]

  • 体验质量: added a grace period after setting a Bear Trap that prevents The Trapper from getting caught right after setting it.

补丁 3.6.0[ | ]

  • 体验质量: 逃生者将无法再通过工具箱和破坏手技能破坏 捕兽夹 IconPowers trap
  • 体验质量Bear Traps can be (re-)set without picking them up first.

补丁 4.5.0[ | ]

  • 增强: 逃生者每次尝试挣脱捕兽夹的成功率从 25 % 降为 16.67 %
  • 削弱: 尝试挣脱捕兽夹的成功率设定了次数上限为 6

补丁 5.0.0[ | ]

  • 体验质量:更新了马戏团大力士套装、鼓风炉套装、陷阱杀手基础套装的网格和贴图

补丁 5.3.0[ | ]

  • 增强捕兽夹携带上限和开局携带数量从 1 增加至 2
  • 增强: 地图生成捕兽夹的数量固定为 6 个(原 4~6 随机)
  • 修改捕兽夹气场颜色从红色改为白色,与其他杀手物品的气场颜色保持一致
  • 修改: 调整,翻新,新增,重制和移除许多附加品
  • Added an audio cue where The Trapper grunts when picking up the maximum number of Bear Traps.

冷知识[ | ]

  • 陷阱杀手是 BETA 测试期间唯一能使用的杀手
  • ALPHA 时陷阱杀手名叫 “Chuckles”(咯咯笑)。游戏内文件误打为了 “Checkles”
  • 陷阱杀手 is affiliated with the 迈克米伦庄园幻境 in the Lore.
  • 陷阱杀手 was inspired by Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th franchise.
  • 陷阱杀手 mask might be inspired by the mask of the Babyface Killer from the 2009 movie The Hills Run Red, as both are cracked and resemble a human face.
  • Some renderings of 陷阱杀手 without his mask on can be found inside the Game Files, revealing that he's 是光头
  • 陷阱杀手是第一个戴面具的杀手
  • The Trapper is the first unlicensed Killer to appear in a commercial title outside of Dead by Daylight, appearing in the "Survivor of The Fog" Event in Ubisoft's For Honor.
    • A Character in For Honor refers to The Trapper as "The Miserable Smiling Killer".
  • 逃生者从捕兽夹挣脱时捕兽夹会先打开,再关上。而陷阱杀手自己踩到捕兽夹时,他会打开捕兽夹并重新设置
  • The Trapper stepping into a 捕兽夹 IconPowers trap results in the Trap latching onto his left leg, which is referenced in some of his cosmetics, which feature braces of wraps around the extremities of said leg.
    • Furthermore, the 临时膝带 FulliconAddon makeshiftWrap Add-on is a reference to this fact.
  • 陷阱杀手is voiced by Filip Ivanovic, who at that time worked as the Art Director on the Game.

提示[ | ]

主條目: Hints

  • 遊戲開始時你只會有1個捕獸夾,因此你需要耗費大量的時間去收集他們,所以你應該更有策略地使用它們。
  • 你有可能被自己的捕獸夾夾住,假如你剛好抓著逃生者,他們將會掙脫。
  • 一個有用的戰略是將捕獸夾安置在被勾住的逃生者附近,這樣極有可能抓住前來營救的逃生者。
  • 一個好的放置地點是木板的前方,而不是中間,這樣有機會抓住試圖衝往另一邊並放倒板子的逃生者,假如他不通過,那擊倒他們將會更加簡單。
  • 陷阱放在草堆裡是幾乎看不見的。

图库[ | ]


游戏内图片[ | ]

官方画作[ | ]

旧画作[ | ]

模型[ | ]

截图[ | ]

粉丝作品[ | ]

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章節 06 - 10 S11 charSelect portrait 昆汀·史密斯 SurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait 大卫·泰普 SurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait 凯特·登森 SurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait 亚当·弗朗西斯 SurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait 杰夫·约翰森 SurvivorJeff
章節 11 - 14 S16 charSelect portrait 簡·羅梅羅 SurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait 阿什利·威廉姆斯 SurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait 南茜·惠勒 SurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait 史蒂夫·哈林頓 SurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait 木村唯 SurvivorYui
章節 15 - 19 S21 charSelect portrait 薩麗娜·卡希爾 SurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait 謝麗爾·梅森 SurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait 菲利克斯·里奇特 SurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait 伊洛迪·拉科托 SurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait 李允珍 SurvivorYun-Jin
章節 20 - 23 S26 charSelect portrait 吉兒·瓦倫丁 SurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait 里昂·S·肯尼迪 SurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait 米凱拉·里德 SurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait 約拿·瓦斯克斯 SurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait 淺川陽一 SurvivorYoichi
章節 24 - 25 S31 charSelect portrait 海蒂·考爾 SurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait 艾達·王 SurvivorAda S33 charSelect portrait 蕾貝卡·錢伯斯 SurvivorRebecca S34 charSelect portrait 維托里奧·托斯卡諾 SurvivorVittorio S35 charSelect portrait 塔莉塔·利拉 SurvivorThalita
章節 27 - 29 S36 charSelect portrait 雷納托·利拉 SurvivorRenato S37 charSelect portrait 加布里埃爾·索瑪 SurvivorGabriel S38 charSelect portrait 尼古拉斯·凱奇 SurvivorNicolas S39 charSelect portrait 艾倫·雷普莉 SurvivorEllen
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+ 章節 01 - 02
K01 charSelect portrait 陷阱杀手 IconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait 幽灵杀手 IconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait 电锯杀手 IconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait 护士 IconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait 迈克尔·迈尔斯 IconHelpLoading shape
章節 03 - 06 K06 charSelect portrait 妖巫 IconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait 医生 IconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait 女猎手 IconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait 食人魔 IconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait 梦魇 IconHelpLoading nightmare
章節 07 - 11 K11 charSelect portrait 门徒 IconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait 小丑 IconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait 怨灵 IconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait 军团 IconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait 瘟疫 IconHelpLoading plague
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Actor Sidney Prescott Smasher Teacher