Dead by Daylight Wiki

不痛不癢是一個大衛·金 SurvivorDavid可傳授的技能 IconHelp perks

圖示 I II III 描述
0 % 25 % 50 % 整場遊戲你處於不治 IconStatusEffects broken狀態。你的血液凝結速度出奇的快。
  • 你不會留下大片血跡
  • 任何時候你的哀嚎聲都會降低0/25/50 %。
  • 可自行從瀕死狀態 IconHelp dying治療至受傷狀態。


4,000IconHelp bloodpoints 5,000IconHelp bloodpoints 6,000IconHelp bloodpoints

圖示 可傳授版本 描述
0 % 解鎖這技能會讓它在所有逃生者的血網中可能出現。


  • 你不會留下大片血跡
  • 任何時候你的哀嚎聲都會降低0 %
  • 可自行從瀕死狀態治療至受傷狀態。



5,000IconHelp bloodpoints



圖標 I II III 描述
IconPerks noMither 0 % 25 % 50 % 在我小的時候,這都不算什麼。以受傷狀態進入遊戲,且無法被治癒至健康狀態。你的血液凝結速度出奇的快。
  • 你無法被治療至健康狀態。
  • 你不會留下大片血跡。
  • 任何時候你的哀嚎聲都會降低0/25/50 %
  • 可自行從瀕死狀態治療至受傷狀態。


  • The ability to infinitely recover from the dying state, and be stealthy doing so makes this Perk one of the most effective methods of countering the slugging strategy.
    • However, as you are injured from the very beginning of the game, the Killer will know that you are running this Perk and most likely not leave you lying around.
    • Even if the Killer does leave you on the ground, the bleed-out timer is only 4 minutes. This means that can only get up a maximum of 7 times by yourself if you recover immediately unless you also have Unbreakable IconPerks unbreakable equipped, which accelerates the recovery time, in which case you will be able to get up a maximum of 9 times.
    • Can be paired with Decisive Strike IconPerks decisiveStrike to nullify its only weakness (slugging), while also nullifying one of 不痛不癢's own weaknesses.
    • Very useful in hatch search situations in which the Killer usually leaves one person on the ground to look for the last Survivor.
  • It is also advised to combine it with Perks such as Resilience IconPerks resilience, This Is Not Happening IconPerks thisIsNotHappening and Dead Hard IconPerks deadHard in order to fully utilise their effects.
  • When the Killer runs Thanatophobia IconPerks thanatophobia, all Survivors get a constant de-buff to their repair, healing and sabotage speed.
  • Good in combination with Tenacity IconPerks tenacity as you can crawl away and recover at the same time.


  • The Perk was originally to be called Just A Scratch according to an interview with Mathieu Cote (Producer).
  • Using this Perk will give you a unique icon in the Status Bar in the lower left corner of your screen, informing the other Survivors and the Killer that you run that Perk.
  • Unlike Iron Will IconPerks ironWill, the noise reduction from this Perk's Tiers II & III also applies when you are in Dying State IconHelp dying.
  • 不痛不癢 effectively cancels out Self-Care IconPerks selfCare, so one shouldn't use both Perks at the same time.
  • Full recovery will take 32 seconds without the help of additional Perks or of other Survivors.
  • Because of the blood on the ground disappearing almost instantly, 不痛不癢 counters Bloodhound IconPerks bloodhound.

